Apr 6, 2008

Sorry, Not Really a Fan

Closer closer... I am loving getting this collection together. This piece goes into my "Human Condition" series. I'm a HUGE Tarantino fan yet SO many people I meet tell me they don't like his work. I don't like violence at all so its very hard to build a case in his favour for them. To me, the dialogue is always brilliant but the images he creates are beautiful and so compelling. They are like inspirational paintings to me. I must be the only Mum who was given an Anniversary boxed copy of Pulp Fiction for Mothers Day last year.
So... after watching "Death Proof" I created this last night.................
'Sorry, I'm Not Really a Fan'
35cm x 40cm
assemblage - acrylic paint, adhesives and found objects - wood frames, automotive fan, mesh fly screen, drawer pull, belt, bag loop, wire.
Oh I've been asked for a breakdown... I HAVE given one out re another piece and I'm happy that someone else wants to know so here goes I'll share A LITTLE...
The orange jewel... Tarantino uses a 70s orange wash over sections of this film that I LOVED
The belt.... SHIPS MAST! The girls use belts attached to door frames to do this stunt.
Automotive fan... well it's a 'gear-head' film.
OK there is more... I'll leave it to your imaginations.
I'm REALLY not too sure I can part with this guy!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the names you give your pieces. How many more to go?
Love C