Jan 12, 2008

My Harbour again

"Walking on Sunday Early On" or "I'm sick of looking at my unfinished ATCs" - found items, watercolour, acrylic, tissue, wire on canvas.
Jan 2008
Busy busy busy! Just finished another of my mixed-media-collage-whatever paintings... of Sydney Harbour AGAIN! :) And NO I am NOT going to sell any art! lol Oh I CAN'T sell it anyway, my other half has just proclaimed it a masterpiece (he's so full of it at times) but in his language that means it's a keeper. I really DO need to get all my Sydney Harbour inspired art work together in one place. I have photos, paintings sculptures, altered art, you name it, all featuring my beloved harbour. I walk over that bridge at LEST three times a month and as so many know I walked over it CONSTANTLY while I was getting better last year. I guess now it's become a symbol of sorts but I actually just feel at ease and at peace when I'm there. I was born in North Sydney so maybe that has something to do with it. I remember coming home from living in the USA a few years ago and totally losing it on the plane when I saw that arch and sails lying below me. So maybe it just means home to me. Pic soon... no batteries in camera... my Pookie must of 'borrowed' them for hers before she left. :)
It's weird not having the kids around this week and not having work, but I have really gotten stuck into a bit of art... OH today we are spring cleaning the house :( Oh well I'm starting early to get it over by LUNCH!


Anonymous said...

What were you getting better from last year, when you were walking the Harbour Bridge regularly? It's a bit of a mystery to you loyal readers.

Cheralyn Darcey said...

As I'm fine now it doesn't really matter. As much as I find blogging fun, I don't feel the need to plaster everything detail re my life online, nor do I believe it's safe to do so. But if you care to let me know who you are I would be happy to drop you an email. Thanks for your interest, Cheers, Cheralyn :)