Feb 18, 2008

Michael DeMeng Narrabeen, Sydney Workshop

Joy, Phyllis, Amanda, Louisa, Michael, Ruth, Denise, Megan and Varelle
Janine, Donna
Ursula, Coral and Cheri(ME)


I'm going to get straight into what I did... wrap up at end of this post...

I LOVE this cover... nothing inside as yet. I really learnt a lot about a creating an aged metallic look on this and working with washes to deepen the texture.

My mini blook... I have a thing about tiny art so HAD to do this one... plus side was I think it's just about done... might add a closure... learnt how to apply paint to metal, got into some nice earthy colours and ofcourse there is my Alice!

This one has a long way to go... it's one page of the inside of my Diver blook. I found it relaxing to do... and it was really interesting playing with different patinas. On the whole I learnt the most about colour washes doing this piece. I went through so many layers of blues and greens and it was so informative watching all the different effects that I managed to achieve... Oh and learnt how to make those transparencies come alive too! :)
The one has a VERY long way to go... but it's a start. As I love tattoos so much and have been using my own tattoo designs in a few recent paintings for an upcoming arty thing I'm doing, so I thought I would give them a go in this class. I actually am most excited about the ideas I have for this piece and can't wait to get into it...
Michael holding my mini blook during the Good The Bad and the Ugly Critic. YES YES YES... it WAS the best part of the workshop! And like I have read on the internet re other people... I TOO was dreading it but I LOVED it. I learnt so much listening to Michael explain what works with everyones' pieces.

THE wrap up...

What an AMAZING weekend!!! I had such high expectations and they where actually exceded. Michael is fantastic. Such a warm, witty and talented artist and teacher. I was impressed at how he took so much time to get to know everyone in the class and to understand what they wanted from the Workshop. Oh yes... I am also the very first Butcher he has ever had in his workshops!

I went, as I admire his work so much and I was interested in learning his techniques and hope to apply them in my work. I find it very hard to express my thoughts and feelings verbally now so my art work is very important to me. This type of work and the techniques just feel so right to me. The reuse of objects and the layering of things appeals, as does the subtle story or message that can be woven through these layers.

I planned to create 2 Blooks, but started 4 works as I had a hard time drying out some Modeling paste I used on my first two. Except for my mini blook, none where completed. This, however, worked brilliantly as I was able to experiment on the spot with different techniques and colour ways. Infact I personally would now work this way in future classes. I feel for me, there is always time to complete works some other time, but only one chance to experiment with all techniques.
It was well organized and everyone was a lot of fun. I really admire the amount of work that Janine put in to getting it all together and keeping things going smoothly. My room mate Coral was awesome, really great fun and so interesting. I wished she lived closer!!

It's been such a struggle getting back on my feet so it was really good to get out of my comfort zone and get out there again. This workshop really marked a turning point for me. I feel so on top of things now. At times I felt overwhelmed but I did ok.

Michael is coming again to Sydney in JUNE!!! Yeah, can't wait am saving madly now.
Will post updates as I complete these pieces. :)


Anonymous said...

You are too kind - I wish we lived closer too! You said you felt overwhelmed in the workshop sometimes - you sure didn't show it! Loved your stuff to bits. And the pics on the blog are brilliant - though they don't truely show how amazing they are in real life. Every book was so different, but all were spectacular - true pieces of art.

Janine Davies said...

Cheri.... so glad that you had such a great time.... the feedback from everyone was overwhelming.... am working on putting together some more pics when I get some time... Look forward to catching up with you again soon! xo