Jan 19, 2008

Junque-It and the Spanish Chairs

OK when my Hubby wakes up he is going to KILL me. lol I'm up to 16! Anyone know someone who wants to buy a Junque-It? I couldn't sleep last night and I had all these old canvases and..... oh well. mmm just looked at that photo I realized I've gotten paint on one of my beloved old Spanish chairs. OH the story of THE CHAIRS...
Years ago, in a past life, when going out was a way of life not a 'special treat', one place I LOVED to eat at was The Spanish Club in the city. There and Captain Torros across the road. I must of gone there a least once a month for years. Along with the GREAT food, the decor was awesome. YEARS later, when I was married and had two tiny kids, we where living in Avalon in Sydney and one morning I went to garage sale (yard sale). There in the garden sat 8 old wooden chairs that looked REALLY familiar. On asking about them the nice couple told me they had purchased them from an old restaurant a few years back that was refurbishing... it was THE SPANISH CLUB! They brought them on a whim but didn't really know what to do with them. They had planned on sanding them back and recovering them! THANK GOD I came along when I did! Anyway I have had them now for 11 years and LOVE them. I often wonder if I ever actually sat on one of them when they where listening to Spanish music surrounded by the aromas of Tappas on a warm Sydney night in the 80s.

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